
Antonia Santos Life Center – Bucaramanga

Opening of roads in Santa Fé de Antioquia

Construction of rainwater and wastewater collector

Construction of the first stage of the San Vicente de Paúl Hospital

Improvement and construction of 11 mixed-use and pedestrian bridges in the municipality of Pueblo Rico

Construction of a professional soccer field with FIFA standards in natural grass

Technical, administrative, financial, legal and environmental audits for the construction of 15 Mega Schools

Improvement of educational institutions in the department of Valle del Cauca

Construction of works to improve passability on secondary and tertiary roads

Construction of athletics track, La Virginia, Risaralda

Rehabilitation of access road and maneuver yard at INCOLMOTOS YAMAHA factory

Construction of solid waste storage and disposal warehouse in La Herencia condominium

System for wastewater treatment and networks in La Herencia condominium

Design and construction of country house MAJUAN project, Pereira

Signage, demarcation and maintenance of parking lots of the Departmental Palace, Pereira

Facade improvement and complementary works Puerta de Agua Building, Armenia, Quindío

Supervision of the improvement of the façade and urban planning works of the Siena Building

Construction of UTP sports venues